"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness" - John Muir
Sweet Corinne on the blog today. Corinne just celebrated her first birthday, and to commemorate this very special occasion, her amazing mom Betsy booked in for a family photo session in Toronto's wonderful summer-cool urban forest wilderness. The results of our session are some wonderful moments captured; freezing a few moments in time of Corinne at age 1.
If you are a mom, you know how quickly time passes when it comes to those kiddos growing up - I know it too (suddenly mine are 21 months and nearly 7! How did THAT happen!?). Maybe, like me, you feel anxious as the time passes - will you remember those moments? those expressions? the way he stuck his tongue out to the side? or the way she did the 4-point toddler squat? Knowing you have these memories in images printed forever, you can rest easy and move on to making new memories and enjoying the next moments. Betsy captured the moments. Betsy is smart. Be like Betsy.