Before I moved with my family from Copenhagen back to my (nearly) native Toronto last summer, I kept telling myself, upon everything I did, that 'this was a last'. It was the last time I would ever shop in my local corner store. It was the last time I would ever ride my bike around my local lake. It was the last time I would eat flødeboller from Lagkagehuset. It was the last time I would ever be in Copenhagen.
And yet, not even a year later, fate, or perhaps my subconscious, brought me back. Realistically, I have fairly deep ties to the city. Many friends have left (in the way that transient expats do), but a special handful will always be there; five years of my 6- year-old son's life were spent there, and my daughter was born there. I lived there for about an eighth of my life so far.
And so it felt pretty special to land at CPH and make my way through town, on foot, by bike, bus, train and car, passing by my local corner stores, my local lake, and numerous Lagkagehusets. And it felt even more special to head to my first photo session of the week in my old 'hood. Literally a couple of small blocks from my old home. And at this session I got to meet two super fun little boys that I had never met before!
Here I introduce Prithvi and Dhruv, and their lovely mum and dad. Prithvi and Dhruv were sweet and fun and excited for their photo session. They are both full of character and full of love, they love to goof around, and they LOVE LOVE to climb trees. They are both full of soul, and also very cool. :) It was a privilege to spend an afternoon with them while I nostalgically reconnected with my Copenhagen neighbourhood!