It’s like being on a treadmill that never stops. It’s wiping runny noses, it’s laughing at not-funny ‘jokes’, it’s answering ‘WHY?’ 859 times, it’s cuddling away the boo-boos, it’s being held onto by a pinky-finger, it’s serving favourite foods that are suddenly rejected, it’s a sigh and a glass of wine once they’re finally down for the night. It’s never peeing by yourself for 8 years. It’s finding the right babysitter, yelling little people out the doors in the morning, automatically accepting the candy wrapper placed in your hand instead of the bin, it’s sporting yogurt stains on every sweater you own. It’s diapers. It’s tantrums. It’s an all-encompassing love you’ve never felt before.
Being mom doesn’t leave much time for anything else. Sometimes that feels ok, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes we glom onto every moment knowing it is precious and sometimes the words ‘Just. Shut. Up.’ actually slip out of our mouths.
All of us moms are perfect and imperfect and what we all deserve, regardless of anything else, is to see and remember how amazing and perfectly imperfect our families are, whether we feel like we’re rockin’ it or not.
Lisa gets it. Lisa is swamped as a mom of two gorgeous little girls, wife, and boss of her own business, but she came to me and said "I just want beautiful photos of me with my family". It seemed impossible schedule-wise, and it took us an age, but we nailed down a time to meet and take Lisa’s family photos, something she does at least once a year. And look at the memories she gets to enjoy now and forever, between diapers, hugs and crayons.
Lisa can see how beautiful her family is and how much she is adored. Be sure to carve out that time for YOU and your family, moms. You deserve it too.