When my son went off to preschool at the ripe old age of 3.1, I was excited for him to have new experiences and independence, I was excited for me to have a bit of me time back and time to get some work done guilt free, and I was excited to get our family's very first school picture!
That first picture did not disappoint; a goofy sort of 'non-smile', boring flat lighting and a cheesy background. I loved it. BUT, I'm an anomaly because as a professional child portrait photographer, I can take a nice picture of my son anytime I want. So I saw this school picture as a bit of a joke, and a right of passage in that old-fashioned, nerdy sort of way.
What I DID notice, however, was that the other moms in the class kind of sighed, rolled their eyes and smiled an 'oh well' smile. "We'll try again next year", they said.
What a shame, and there really is no reason for mediocre, unimpressive school photos that should otherwise very importantly mark the passage of time.
So I've made it my mission this year to begin to change the face of traditional school portraits. I am very excited to be offering a select few Toronto preschools custom, candid boutique photography for the 2017-2018 school year.
Watch my video below, which I made at my recent preschoolers model call, and check out some samples of what natural, more personal and more memorable preschool photos can look like.
A new kind of picture day is right around the corner!
Will your preschool be one of the select few?
Interested Schools: Please contact Heather at 416-427-2711 or heather@funlovephotography.com to set up a phone or in-person consultation.
Interested Parents: Please share this web page with your school: www.funlovephotography.com/preschool-sessions
By the way, in case you missed it, you can vote for your favourite of my little models to see who will grace the cover of my Boutique Toronto Preschool Photography Information Booklet here. Winner well get a $100 gift certificate for Mastermind Toys!